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Government Licensed Immigration Agency

Applying for a New Zealand Skilled Migrant Visa now? What are the alternatives?

Application for the New Zealand Skilled Migrant visa category for offshore applications and selection from the pool of applications (EOI) were suspended in New Zealand when the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2019.

While NZ visa applications for qualified skilled workers have recently resumed, there is currently no word on when EOI selection will begin again.

While New Zealand is currently still "holding back" on the so-called Skilled Migrant Visa, Australia has significantly simplified the options for applying for an Australian permanent residence visa (PR). And as Australian PR is also valid for New Zealand, there is good news about permanent visas for all expatriates.

Have a look, we think you love where it leads you to:

Australian PR is also valid for New Zealand

Good news for immigrants

Immigration Adviser Auckland


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New Zealand or Australia - which permanent residence visa is better?

Many people are currently trying to apply for a visa to New Zealand. Sounds easy, convenient, and safe. Unlike Australia, there are no poisonous animals there. However, applying for a visa is not always a good idea and certainly not easy.

We are often asked how a permanent resident (PR) visa application for New Zealand looks like. New Zealand promises a sense of security to family, capital and business. We hear more and more that a visa application can be made quickly. And you could also apply for Citizenship.

We could make life easy for ourselves and tell you what we think of these proposals. But we don't want to make it that easy for ourselves.

We suspect that many immigrants don't understand how "Oceania and New Zealand works".

For this reason, we would like to explain in detail why most New Zealand immigrants with the aim of achieving "Permanent Residence in New Zealand" ultimately do not apply for a New Zealand visa at all.


“Oh God, I couldn't believe my eyes!”

You really read that right!

Many immigrants wishing to invest, live, work or simply retire in New Zealand do not apply for a New Zealand visa at all.

These immigrants apply for a permanent residence visa (PR) for Australia.

And here are the three most common reasons for making that decision:


1) Australian PR visas are also valid for New Zealand

A permanent visa for Australia (PR Australia) has the New Zealand permanent residence (PR New Zealand) built in.

Australians and all Australian PR (Permanent Residence Visa) holders have visa-free access to New Zealand for unlimited work, entrepreneurship, living, studying etc.. At the same time there is access to New Zealand's social security schemes (e.g. health and Pension insurance). If you don't believe it, check out this link: Australia Resident Visa

And do you already suspect it?

This does not apply to New Zealand PR visa holders wishing to move to Australia!

Reason 1: "Why should I settle for limited PR for New Zealand when I can have PR for Australia and New Zealand (Oceania) at the same time?"


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2) Investors and entrepreneurs are used to compare.

So here are the facts:

The minimum investment in Australia for an investor visa is $750,000. New Zealand requires a minimum investment of $3 million.

Reason 2: “As an investor, I would like to apply for a PR visa in Oceania. At the same time, I would like to give less money to the state and prefer to invest my capital securely in my own company. Why should I spend $3 million when $750,000 will do.


3) Word is getting around: A permanent resident visa for Australia is much easier to get.

Here are just a few points of comparison:

  • A qualified immigrant currently needs 65 points to pass the points test in Australia. In New Zealand, at least 165 points are currently required.
  • In Australia you can apply for dual citizenship after just 4 years. In New Zealand you have to wait at least 5 years.
  • In Australia, a dual citizen has access to the Australian State Pension from day one. This does not apply in New Zealand.
  • In Australia, a qualified immigrant can choose the easiest PR option from over 100 different visa options and strategies. There are currently fewer than 5 common PR visa variants in New Zealand.

The reason for this is easy to explain: Approximately 240,000 PR visas are to be issued in Australia every year. However, Australia has not managed to meet the need for qualified immigrants in recent years. There just weren't enough successful applicants for permanent residency in Australia. The Australian conditions for PR visa have been simplified accordingly.

Reason 3: “Australia makes access to permanent residency comparatively easy for me. At the same time, I have many financial advantages in Australia. Then why should I go through the more complicated and difficult ways to apply in New Zealand?”


In short: Times are lousy, and it is important to minimize costs so that you have as much left over as possible.

Whatever you decide: For New Zealand you need courage, discipline, and confidence at the moment, then it will work out!

Read more about PR visas in Australia:

Migration Agents in Sydney

Or stay up to date with lates news about Australian visa solutions in the Migration Agent Blog:

Migration Agent Blog



New Zealand Migration International wishes you a healthy 2021.

2020 was and is a special year - in a way that nobody could have imagined at the beginning of the year.

A lot has changed: visiting friends, hugging grandparents, travelling, and discovering the world - none of this can be taken for granted anymore.

New Zealand Migration International wishes you a healthy 2021

We all long to meet again with friends, family, and business partners in person.

We will travel again.

Soon, we will meet our friends face to face and in real life.

We will exchange hugs.

Until then, stay healthy and stay positive.

We will be waiting to get your visa done.

We wish you all the best for a healthy and prosperous 2021.


Read more about our licensed immigration advisors:

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Get your visa application for New Zealand done:

New Zealand Migration



COVID-19 Update: New Zealand work visas & SSE visas

Work visa holders whose New Zealand work visas expire from 1 October will automatically be granted a Supplementary Seasonal Employment (SSE) visa.

This includes 12,000 Working Holiday Scheme visa holders who are in New Zealand at present, with visas expiring between 1 October 2020 and March 2021; they will now be able to remain in NZ to fill short-term horticulture and viticulture roles and will be automatically granted an SSE visa. Those work visa holders whose visa expires from 1 October 2020 will receive notification they have been granted a SSE visa shortly after the work visa expires.

New Zealand Immigration Adviser

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Have you seen these persons?


 andrew galloway registrar of the IAA

Andrew Galloway

 simon thomas senior investigator

Simon Thomas

 D J Plunkett Chair of the Immigration Advisers Complaints & Disciplinary Tribunal

David Plunkett

 gary jackson investigator

Gary Jackson

 simon van weeghel acting registrar of the IAA

Simon van Weeghel


If you know these persons, please ask them to contact the district court Düsseldorf, Germany to answer their questions (phone: +49 (0) 211 8306-0).


Is New Zealand becoming a banana republic?

Former IAA Registrar Andrew Galloway made it crystal clear when defending himself before a German court.

Andrew Galloway alleges that New Zealand law applies outside of New Zealand, everywhere in the world, including Germany. Andrew Galloway calls it the “offshore offence provision”. Andrew Galloway avers -before a German court- that relevant German law would not apply within Germany.

Here’s about New Zealand’s Immigration Adviser Authority (IAA) insisting on enforcing a law, which cannot be enforced:

  • July 2014: The Martin Jenkins Report prepared for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) concludes “that it is undesirable to retain a provision in legislation that cannot be enforced.” It is recommended to “remove the offshore offence provision on the basis that it cannot be implemented effectively”.
  • May 2017: The IAA receives advice that the offshore offence provision will not apply in some European countries.
  • March 2018: The IAA publishes a “Consultation Document” stating “MBIE does not consider that the offshore offence provision should be removed. The IAA has focused on awareness-raising in key offshore markets.” The IAA and former Registrar Andrew Galloway continue threatening professionals outside of New Zealand and outside of New Zealand’s jurisdiction.
  • May 2018: Legal proceedings commence in Europe (Germany) against the former IAA’s Registrar Andrew Galloway.
  • September 2018: The former Minister of Immigration Iain Lees-Galloway refers the matter back to the IAA stating, “The Authority is following its usual processes with regard to this case.”
  • April 2019: David Plunkett, former Chair of the Immigration Advisers Complaints & Disciplinary Tribunal, determines to shield the IAA from scrutiny by disregarding relevant laws. In favouritism, he fabricates allegations and issues decisions without notifying or hearing individuals involved. Eventually, David Plunkett defames a German government official.
  • October 2019: Prosecutors in Germany consider David Plunkett’s and Andrew Galloway’s communication to be “an opinion”.
  • November 2019: The former Registrar Andrew Galloway claims “state immunity” in his defense before a German court.
  • May 2020: Andrew Galloway and the IAA are facing claims over and above $500,000 in court. The IAA refuse to accept service of legal proceedings.


What are we doing here?

The way open societies become closed is by disruption of the rule of law.

Only a banana republic is known to enforce unenforceable laws.

The conduct of the IAA and their officers indicate that there is no lawfulness within the IAA.

It appears New Zealand taxpayers are now paying the price.

“Creating Liberty to Move” has been the mission of our licensed immigration advisors since our founder laid the cornerstone for the first office in 2008. We continue to support our clients in their struggle with Authorities, bureaucracy and in what our clients perceive to be unfair and unpredictable decisions.

Stay tuned for more to come.


Analysis by C. Hunter, 29.July 2020

This analysis was acknowledged by the Prime Minister, Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, on 06 August 2020.


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Reference: „Sydney Migration International tribunal new zealand“




Migration International Group has been awarded “Best Migration Agency” in the 2019 Immigration Choice Awards

The Migration Agent and Immigration Lawyer Association (AMAILA) host the prestigious Immigration Choice Awards each year. AMAILA is a membership organization of registered migration agents, licensed immigration advisers and immigration lawyers.

As noted by the board of the Association: “In a time of great confusion and ongoing changes to the migration regulations some immigration advisers ‘talk’, and some immigration advisers ‘do‘. The Immigration Choice Awards have been the benchmark for separating these, and for recognising those who continue to push the boundaries and shape the future of the migration industry.”.

We are honoured that Migration International Group has been recognised as a winner of the 2019  Index as Best Migration Agency 2019

Winner Best Migration Agency


Thank you to all our clients for your continued support.

We also congratulat all other finalists and winners who are nominated in the Index and wishes them all the best.

Read more:

Migration Agent


Autumn seminars were a great success

Again, this autumn, New Zealand Migration International hosted its beloved migration seminars. Once again our workshops with the title “Upgrade your Lifestyle” in Frankfurt and Munich were fully booked. We want to thank all participants for their interest and for actively taking part in the workshops.

New Zealand Seminar Nov 2017 bigger 3

The participants of the seminars were extensively informed about the different visa options for New Zealand.

One of the topics discussed was the possibility of a “Branch out” to New Zealand because New Zealand offers easy access to the country for overseas family businesses and entrepreneurs.

The interactive presentations concerning Skilled Migration and visa options for investors also attracted great interest from the seminar participants.

New Zealand Seminar Nov 2017 Bigger 1

To prepare the prospective New Zealand migrants perfectly for a life in New Zealand, our experienced New Zealand experts also discussed topics like health insurance, superannuation and living expenses in New Zealand.

Furthermore, every participant of the workshop had the possibility to get individual advice during a free short visa assessment.

We wish all workshop participants, clients and readers a merry Christmas and we look forward to the upcoming workshops next year.


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Living and working in New Zealand – We just welcomed the 1000th participant

This March again, New Zealand Migration International hosted its popular seminar “Living and working in New Zealand”.
With a wide range of interactive presentations, our immigration advisers introduced the specifics of living and working in New Zealand to the seminar participants and informed them about current visa updates and successful strategies for migrating to New Zealand.

NZ Seminar March 2017 71
This year’s seminar mainly focussed on different visa options for professionals, family businesses, self-employed persons and freelancers. The seminar participants were especially excited about the possibility of a “Branch-Out”, which offers businesses, self-employed persons and freelancers the opportunity to start a business in New Zealand whilst keeping their existing overseas business.
In addition, the seminar hosts also provided many useful and practice-oriented information concerning relocating to New Zealand and the local job market. Furthermore, there was enough time for personal discussion with other seminar participants and for individual talks with our experts.

NZ Seminar March 2017 44

We are proud that our seminar was again fully booked and that we could welcome the thousandth seminar participant this year. We wish to thank all those who attended for their active participation and the positive feedback and we are looking forward to our next seminars later this year.

Book now and secure your place – simply click below:

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 Contact us and stay informed:

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NZ Seminar March 2017 33



Silver Fern Job Search Work Visa

If you are a highly skilled young person who wants to live and work in New Zealand, then the “Silver Fern Job Search Work Visa” might be the right choice for you!
The Silver Fern Visa is a temporary visa for young people who intend to find long-term skilled employment in New Zealand. Visa applicants must be between 20 and 35 years of age and must have a recognized qualification, such as a bachelor degree or a trade qualification with two years of relevant work experience.
The visa allows young people to live and work in New Zealand for 9 months, whilst looking for long-term skilled employment opportunities. Visa holders who find such employment can apply for a 2 year Work Experience Visa and later for residence under the Skilled Migrant Category. Find more about New Zealand Work Visa

New Zealand Migration Agent
Each year, there are 300 Silver Fern Visa available and the places usually fill up very quickly. So if this visa sounds like the perfect choice for you, you should apply very quickly once the application period reopens in late 2017.
Our experienced team of New Zealand Migration Agents are here to assist you throughout this process! Feel free to reach out to us If you have any questions regarding migrating to New Zealand under a working visa category.
The entire New Zealand Migration International team wishes you a very happy Holiday Season and a peaceful and prosperous New Year 2017!

Our experienced team of New Zealand Migration Agents are here to assist you throughout the entire migration process! Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions regarding migrating to New Zealand under an investor or working visa category.

Contact us and stay informed: Immigration Adviser



Modification to Investor 2 Resident Visa

On December 7, the New Zealand Government has announced changes to the Investor 2 Resident Visa. According to New Zealand’s Immigration Minister Michael Woodhouse, the changes are aimed at encouraging migrants to invest in growth-oriented investments that provide a greater economic value for New Zealand. Find more about New Zealand Work Visa
The recently announced changes, which will come into effect in May next year, include a doubling of the funds that need to be invested to gain permanent residency in New Zealand from NZ$1.5 million to NZ$3 million. Simultaneously, the requirement to hold at least NZ$1 million in settlement funds will be abolished. The government also announced changes to the points system, which aim at recognizing higher levels of English language skills and business experience. 
To encourage growth-oriented investments by foreign migrants, there will also be incentives like bonus points, faster processing times and financial discounts for eligible investments. The total number of Investor 2 Visa that can be granted each year will rise from 300 to 400.

New Zealand Migration Agent
New Zealand is not only a favored holiday destination, but also provides great opportunities for foreign investors. According to a recently published World Bank survey, New Zealand ranks place one in the ease of doing business index. Moreover, New Zealand’s cities regularly achieve top positions in the major quality of living indexes.
If you are looking to invest and gain residence in New Zealand, the investor visa category may be the right choice for you.

Our experienced team of New Zealand Migration Agents are here to assist you throughout the entire migration process! Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions regarding migrating to New Zealand under an investor or working visa category.

Contact us and stay informed:

Immigration Adviser



Seminars & Conferences
Buy TicketLos Angeles (US)

Immigration New Zealand Seminar

08. October 2025

Buy TicketDubai (UAE)

Immigration New Zealand Seminar

22. September 2025

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